Journal Information

The Würzburg International Business Review (WIBR) is a peer-reviewed open access indexed journal (online) published by the Würzburg International Business Forum (WIBF), and affiliated with the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany. 

Due to its very nature of international business, WIBR is an interdisciplinary journal. WIBR is published once a year at the inception stage. The first issue is due to be published in December 2021. However, it is planned to be upgraded to quarterly publishing within a few years.

In each issue, the journal has the following sections: 

- Research Section (conceptual and empirical research papers by academics), 

- Viewpoint Section (viewpoints on contemporary and emerging issues in international business), 

- Roundtable Discussion Transcript Section (transcriptions of the WIBR Roundtable Discussions), and 

- Book Review Section (review of international business books).